Building actually started as early as 1874 but came to an abrupt halt due to lack of funds. It was started again in 1879 when Bishop Stanton laid the foundation stone and was finally consecrated in 1883. To this day is still used as the Anglican Cathedral.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
St Pauls Anglican Cathedral - 1879 - 83 - William Street
Building actually started as early as 1874 but came to an abrupt halt due to lack of funds. It was started again in 1879 when Bishop Stanton laid the foundation stone and was finally consecrated in 1883. To this day is still used as the Anglican Cathedral.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Shandon building - 1892 - Alma Street
One of Rockhampton's grander residences, Shandon was built on Alma Street in 1892 by local builder William Adam Lawson for Surgeon Dr Henry E. Brown.
Shandon is considered a place of architectural merit and interest, which has led to being added to the the National Trust of Queensland in 1978. It is currently occupied by Funeral Directors

Una de las grandes residencias de Rockhampton, el edificio Shandon fue construido en la calle Alma en 1892 por William Adam Lawson, constructor local, para el médico Dr Henry E. Brown.
La arquitectura clásica del edificio Shandon se adapta al clima tropical de Rockhampton. Durante período entre 1892 a 1897-99, el Dr Brown trabajó como médico en el Hospital de niños de rockhampton que tenía 32 camas.
El edificio Shandon se considera de interés arquitectónico y por eso fue incluido en el patrimonio Nacional de Queensland en 1978. Actualmente es ocupado por una funeraria.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Criterion Hotel - 1889 - Quay and Fitzroy Streets
The Bush Inn was built on this site in 1858 as Rockhamptons first Hotel. It was then replaced by the Criterion Hotel in 1889 which was designed byArchitect J Flint. The "Cri", as locals call it, was built in the neoclassic style.
This Heritage listed building was used by General MacArthur and General Eichelberger as their Headquaters during WW2.
It is reported to have a ghost residing within the Hotel. A chambermaid (so it is said) committed suicide in room 22 after an affair of the heart went wrong. Guests have reported feeling a "presence" in that room from time to time. The Cri remains one of the more popular haunts for locals.
For more information about The Criterion Hotel, follow this link.
Este edificio, que ha sido declarado patrimonio cultural, fue utilizado por el general General MacArthur y el General Eichelberger como cuartel general durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

The Bush Inn in the 1800's, where the Criterion was built years later.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Archer Park Railway Station - Denison Street - 1899

Initially, the train serviced only local areas such as the popular weekend seaside destination of Emu Park. In 1903 however, the Brisbane-Rockhampton Line was established and Archer Park became a major termination and starting point for mail, passengers and goods.
The importance of Archer Park Station began to decline and by 1957 only local trains and rail motors regularly stopped there.
The Historical Society restored the building and transformed it to a Railway Museum which includes an original Purrey Steam Tram, also fully restored, and it is believed to be the only one of its kind still in use.
The station was designed by Henrick Hansen for Queensland Railways. The curved shaped roof covered both the track and platform and protected the passengers from the elements which ment a separate carriage shed was not needed. A unique feature to Rockhampton's heritage.
La estación de tren de Archer Park abrió al público el 11 de diciembre de 1899. Esta gran estación fue la primera en Rockhampton.
Inicialmente, el tren hacía recorridos locales, como el clásico tramo de fin de semana a la playa, a Emu Park. En el año 1903, sin embargo, se inauguró la línea Brisbane - Rockhampton y la estación de Archer Park se convirtió en terminal para correo, pasajeros y mercancías.
Queensland National Bank - Quay & Denham Streets - 1880

Originally used as the Queensland National Bank. In 1976 the bank moved and it is now owned by Rees R & Sydney Jones Solicitors. Located on the corner of Quay Street and Denham Street was built in 1880 to a Neo Classic Revival design by the architect, F D Stanley. Its cast iron balustrades and Corinthian columns make it a very distinctive and prominent corner building. It was built with the hot tropical climate in mind with high arches and long verandahs. Originally the managers residence was on the top floor.

Originalmente utilizado como sede del Banco Nacional de Queensland. En 1976 el banco cambió de sede y el edificio fue adquirido por Rees R & Sydney Jones Abogados. Originalmente, la vivienda del administrador estaba situada en la planta alta.
Ubicado en la esquina de las calles Quay y Denham, el edificio fue construido en 1880 en estilo neoclásico, por el arquitecto F D Stanley. Sus balaustradas de hierro forjado y las columnas corintias lo hace un edificio de gran majestuosidad.
El edificio fue construido teniendo en cuenta el cálido clima tropical con las grandes arcadas y largas barandas.
Harbour Board Building - Quay Street - 1896

The Rockhampton Harbour Board building was built in 1896. The harbour board was established in 1895 to take over the administration of the Rockhampton port which at the time was busier than the Brisbane port. The board remained in this building until 1977. The Architect was J. W. Wilson and it was designed in the Neo Classic Revival Style.

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Customs House - Quay Street - 1898
Located in Quay Street, Rockhampton's Custom House is an example of the Classic Revival period architecture which was all the rage in Rockhampton around the turn of the century.
Built between 1898-1901 of Stanwell sandstone the building has a huge copper dome and an elaborate semi-circular portico with a Corinthian colonnade.The building was designed by the Queensland Government architect, A B Brady, and is a powerful reminder of the importance that Rockhampton enjoyed as the major central coast port around that time.
Rockhampton´s river port ceased in 1958 but Customs remained in the building until 1986. In 1987 the building was handed over to the City Council. In 1999 Rockhampton Tourist and Buisness Information moved into the ground floor.El Edificio de la Aduana está ubicado en la calle Quay y es uno de los muchos ejemplos de arquitectura Neoclásica que podemos encontrar en Rockhampton.
Fue construido entre 1898-1901 en piedra caliza de Stanwell y tiene una cúpula en cobre y un elaborado pórtico semi circular con columnatas corintias.
El edificio fue diseñado por el arquitecto del gobierno de Queensland, A B Brady, y es un recordatorio de la importancia que tuvo en su momento Rockhampton como puerto central en la época de su construcción.
El puerto dejó de utilizarse en el año 1958 pero la Aduana siguió funcionando en ese edificio hasta el año 1986. En el año 1987 el edificio pasó a pertenecer a la municipalidad, y en el año 1999 la oficina de Turismo e Información se instaló en la planta baja del edificio.
Mas informacion sobre este edificio en este link